How to choose the right custom printed sticker for you
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How to choose the right custom printed sticker for you

22 Jul, 2019

How to choose the right custom printed sticker for you

How to choose the right custom printed sticker for you

How to choose the right custom printed sticker for you

Choosing the right custom printed sticker is important to ensure that you are maximising your business needs and getting the best value for money. The StickerShop UK offers a wide range of options that can suit every requirement and budget. 

The shape 

The first step when it comes to choosing your sticker is to select the shape. Standard round, square, rectangle and oval options have many traditional uses, including food labelling. Alternatively, you may wish to choose a custom shape for the sticker. This enables you to create a sticker that is tailored directly to your business needs, perfect for products with a unique selling point. For instance, a star-shaped sticker may be the ideal choice to market a novelty item or to draw attention to a special offer. 

The material, type and adhesive 

The material that your sticker is printed on is also important. This is dependent upon the type of use for the sticker. For example, printed paper stickers have many uses, including branding on cosmetic products and stickers for jars. Similarly, the options chosen for car window labels and stickers differ from boutique stickers, in relation to the chosen adhesive and material, as well as shape. Browsing specific types enables you to select the recommended options for use.

Waterproof stickers and labels are also a good option for outdoor use, whilst high-tack vinyl labels and stickers are particularly resilient as a result of their strong adhesive.

Environmental impact 

In the current climate, another consideration to make it the environmental impact of your stickers. You can reduce this impact by shopping at companies that provide sustainable alternatives. A great option is to choose eco-friendly stickers made from woodland carbon. 

The budget 

It can be time-consuming and difficult to find the best prices, which is why Sticker Shop provides low-cost stickers and labels which don’t compromise on quality. Our online support and telephone services also enable us to provide efficient customer service to discuss solutions that fall within your price range. If you are looking for high-quality stickers and labels, contact us today and we will be happy to help you.

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